The goals of the Climate Study include:
- Identify what is already working to foster a welcoming environment at UM
- Uncover any challenges facing our community, and
- Develop strategic initiatives to build on the successes and address the challenges.
The voice of every student, every staff member, every faculty member matters. We invite all of you to participate in this assessment of learning, living, and working at the University of Mississippi. Explore more in the FAQs and learn how you can get involved.
What job category should Adjunct Faculty select? Adjunct Faculty should select “Faculty Non-Tenure Track”, then select “Visiting” What unit/department should Outreach staff select? Staff in Outreach should select “Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs”. Staff who support General Studies should select “General Studies” Who is the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs? The VC for Academic Affairs is the Provost. Administrative offices that report to the Provost include the Registrar, Outreach, Global Engagement, EORC, IT, IREP, Academic Innovation, Ford Center, University Museums, Developmental Studies. What is campus climate? Dr. Susan Rankin of Rankin & Associates, who is serving on the team of outside consultants for the University of Mississippi climate survey, defines campus climate as “the current attitudes, behaviors, standards and practices of employees and students of an institution.” The climate is often shaped through personal experiences, perceptions and institutional efforts. Why is a positive climate important? Dr. Rankin’s research maintains that positive personal experiences with campus climate and positive perceptions of campus climate generally equate to successful outcomes. Examples of successful outcomes include positive educational experiences and healthy identity development for students, productivity and sense of value for faculty and staff, and overall well-being for all. Why is the University of Mississippi conducting a climate survey? The idea to conduct a campus climate survey originated from interested students, faculty and staff who believed data from such a survey might be useful in planning for the future and improving the climate at the University of Mississippi. Who will be conducting the survey? The Climate Survey Working Group (CSWG) is charged with conducting the University of Mississippi’s climate survey. After a review of potential vendors, the committee selected Rankin & Associates Consulting to conduct the survey. Rankin & Associates reports directly to the committee. Although the CSWG will regularly update the University of Mississippi about its progress, the committee—in consultation with Rankin & Associates—is solely responsible for the development, implementation and interpretation of the survey and its results. Dr. Susan Rankin (Rankin & Associates Consulting) is the consultant working directly with us on this project. Dr. Rankin is an emeritus faculty member of Education Policy Studies and College Student Affairs at Pennsylvania State University and a senior research associate in the Center for the Study of Higher Education. She has extensive experience in institutional climate assessment and institutional climate transformation based on data-driven action and strategic planning. Dr. Rankin has conducted multi-location institutional climate studies at more than 190 institutions across the country. She developed and utilizes the Transformational Tapestry model as a research design for campus climate studies. The model is a “comprehensive, five-phase strategic model of assessment, planning and intervention. The model is designed to assist campus communities in conducting inclusive assessments of their institutional climate to better understand the challenges facing their respective communities” (Rankin & Reason, 2008). Why was a non-University of Mississippi researcher selected for the project? In reviewing efforts by other universities to conduct comprehensive climate studies, several best practices were identified. One was the need for external expertise in survey administration. The administration of a survey relating to a very sensitive subject like campus climate is likely to yield higher response rates and provide more credible findings if led by an independent, outside agency. Members of a college community may feel particularly inhibited to respond honestly to a survey administered by their own institution for fear of retaliation. How were the questions developed? The consultant has administered climate assessments to more than 190 institutions across the nation and developed a repository of tested questions. To assist in contextualizing the survey for the University of Mississippi and to capitalize on the many assessment efforts already undertaken, the CSWG was formed. The committee is responsible for developing the survey questions. The team will review selected survey questions from the consultant’s tested collection and will also include the University of Mississippi-specific questions which will be informed by the focus group results. Why do some demographic questions contain a very large number of response options? It is important in campus climate research for survey participants to “see” themselves in response choices to prevent “othering” an individual or an individual’s characteristics. Some researchers maintain that assigning someone to the status of “other” is a form of marginalization and should be minimized, particularly in campus climate research which has an intended purpose of inclusiveness. Along these lines, survey respondents will see a long list of possible choices for many demographic questions. However, it is reasonably impossible to include every possible choice to every question, but the goal is to reduce the number of respondents who must choose “other.” What is the IRB process for this study? The primary investigator from the University of Mississippi for the IRB process is Dr. Katie Busby, Director of the Office of Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Planning. An IRB application will be submitted for the project. Once the project is approved, the survey will be administered. Is climate study data available to researchers? Individual researchers may submit a proposal to request an additional report that addresses their research question using this form. Completed proposals will be reviewed to ensure the research question can be examined without compromising confidentiality of respondents. If approved, the researcher is provided with a report based on the data to respond to their research question after March 22, 2021. If you have questions about the proposal process, please email